Beach Walkers
Original oil painting 16x20
by Susan Roux
I recently finished this painting with one of my classes and delivered it to The Wright Gallery on Monday. This is Goose Rocks Beach. Its located just down the street from the gallery. Charlie told me last year, that in this bad economy, paintings of recognizable local scenes might sell better. This is my attempt to see if he's right.
My life has been bustling.
As you know, Martine-Alison is coming for a visit. She arrives on Thursday and will be here for three weeks. As the time closes in, its difficult to express my true feelings and excitement for this reunion. It goes beyond words... We plan to take photos of our time together and post them here, to share with all of you. Last minute preparations are continuing at both ends. She's finally figured out how to transport art on the plane and has it packed securely in a carry-on. Her frames are unassembled to save space. Glueing them on the first night is a priority as we are delivering them to the Blue Heron Gallery the following day. As for myself, I'm trying to finish my gardening projects and failing... There will be more planting to do later, together. And... last but certainly not least, does anyone have a cleaning lady they can share?!!
But this is not all the excitement brewing here...
Yesterday I confirmed the dates, July 16-17-18. This is when the great, comical, witty, dynamic, ever-talented paintbrush pusher, Don Hatfield will teach a workshop in Maine!
Yes, I said in Maine!!!
It is my great honor to have him as my guest and I am currently busy setting up and organizing his workshop. Its an interesting experience, as I have never done this before. It will be an indoor, three-day workshop in Lewiston, Maine. If any of you are interested in traveling here and want to participate in this wonderful opportunity, please contact me here, before it goes out in an announcement to the general, local public. I'm certain the limited space will fill up very quickly! Cost is $325.00 for the three days. Such a bargain for this talent...
Is your life bustling with excitement, too? If not, create some... New experiences and new acquaintances can really stimulate the creative juices! I spoke to you many times before about going to meet each other. I hope you're taking my suggestion. You blood will tingle through your veins like Fourth of July fireworks do in the sky!
ReplyDeleteGreat news! You are a very talented lady and art is only one of your many talents. You always make me feel good just reading about all that you're doing. I think Don's workshop will fill up quickly also. It will be so good to see the photos and learn about Martine's visit with you. Your light is shining bright, Susan, and I send you more blessings.
Thanks, Nora.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! The soft pastel colors are very relaxing.
ReplyDeleteLovely colors in this painting...
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you've really got things jumping with exciting plans all around!! I hope that your gallery friend is right and wish you lots of sales!!!
You are so talented! Love this painting.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I have moved my blog to a web site. www.permanentposies.com It is new and not complete but I will be posting there. I will check back periodically to see new stuff. Happy painting.
Again....I wish I could come to Maine.
ReplyDeleteLa petite mouche va bientôt arriver, elle est toute excitée, elle a un tas de choses à faire... Elle avance mais AIR FRANCE grrrrrrr, modifie encore mes plans! plus possible d'avoir mes toiles en bagage en cabine. Pourtant il m'avait été stipulé que celui-ci devait avoir une Longueur + une Largeur + une hauteur de 115cm maximum. Pour moi ce fut ok. Tout était prêt. Hier après-midi, coup d'éclat, il y a changement. Il faut toujours 115cm mais de cette façon-là : 55/35/25.
ReplyDeleteAujourd'hui mon petit pois va exploser! non il faudra qu'il germe pour trouver une solution.
En voici une : j'ai trouvé une très vieille valise que je vais renforcer. Je l'emporterai en payant un supplément de bagage. Pour éviter de revenir à vide avec celle-ci, je l'abandonnerai aux USA! Elle est vraiment moche et vieille! Peut-être trouverais-je un acquéreur dans une brocante! Avis aux amateurs!!...
Ma chère Susan je trouve cette peinture très reposante et tes couleurs sont extrêmement douces... Il faudrait que tu te relâches un peu dis donc!!! retire les piles qui sont placés dans ton corps...
A plus tard, bisoussssssss
Great painting Susan! I wish I was the fella sitting in that sand chair ;).
ReplyDeleteIs the sea at Goose Rocks beach always calm? We get days here on L.I. where the sea is actually calmer then our sheltered bay.