Friday, February 5, 2010

Give yourself a boost

There's energy in the air.

I can feel it all around me. My insides are smiling and wiggling and ready to face the day! I'm sensing it will be a good one.

Yesterday's award sent a lot of traffic to my site. Thank you all for visiting. It was like a shot in the arm and is perhaps in part the reason for my happy energy today. Its a great time of year to be given such a boost! Thank you again Jamie. I hope this feeling remains for a while...

I think the best thing about this award is giving it away...

Having to send it to 12 people, recognizing the joy they bring to you through the magical computer, left me feeling better than actually receiving it. There is truth to, "giving is better than receiving".

On that note, I have an idea.

Even if you haven't receive an award, post a list of some of your favorite sites with links and then let them know you really enjoy their blogs. It feels tedious to do, but the result of giving someone a compliment is very energizing! By this simple act, think of all the positive energy we can create, generate and pour back into our art! Masterpieces will be born for sure...

If you don't have a blog, go compliment someone anyway. Their smile will give you that wonderful "lift".

Posted is another of my works in progress. As you can see, not all of my people at the beach are children. This is my lovely model, Anastasia. She is lots of fun to work with and I love her very much. This painting has a long way to go, as I've only worked on it twice. I'm drawn to the movement and light within her pose. Wouldn't you just love to frolic on the beach like her?

Maybe I'm painting beach paintings because I like imagining that I'm there...


  1. Susan, what a lovely post..and your beach scene in progress is spot-on with a sunshine and water feeling. I'll be watching to see the next phase. Thanks so much for the shout out/award. You are so right, the blog experience leads us down a very positive path. I have to laugh (inwardly, of course) at people who don't "like" blogging--what's not to like?? It is such a friendly place to be.

  2. looks like you have a beautiful start on this painting, Susan. Maybe it is just what we need here in the depths of winter.
    Looks like your rose painting project WAS a lot of fun.

  3. Grrrrrrrrrr, Je ne vais pas le réécrire en anglais!!! internet me rend folle! Je venais de t'écrire un petit commentaire et hop à l'édition tout disparaît.
    Je te disais que J et moi avions visionné ton blog ce matin et que nous aimions l'un et l'autre ta dernière toile ainsi que celle de la robe rose d'Anastasia.
    Je te demandais si tu étais d'accord pour que nous puissions ensemble peindre une "petite femme" sur la plage lorsque nous allons très bientôt être ensemble. Est-ce ok ? D'avance je te remercie, ton amie qui est une grande fan.

  4. I would love to paint a "petite femme" at the beach with you when you come. Does this mean you are actually crossing the ocean to see me???

    You're making my day!


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