Sunday, February 28, 2010


Do you ever have brochures or booklets just jump out at you?

There they are. Staring you in the face. You can feel them tugging at you. Take me. Take me. Your arm leaps forward. You hesitate. It retracts. Your eye stays glued to the booklet. "Why would you be taking it?" you ask yourself. "These are for tourist." Unable to turn away, you finally pick it up.

Have you had this happen to you? I have. Several times actually.

What happens next is the real story. You spend a few moments wondering why you even grabbed this information and almost convince yourself it wasn't there for you at all. And then it happens... It sends you in a completely different direction altogether.

Your mind wanders and begins to imagine possibilities. New possibilities. Your excited just thinking about them. The first time this happened I was in the grocery store and at the checkout I spotted a Cape Cod art gallery guide. This may not strike you as funny, but I'm in Maine and Cape Cod is not exactly close by. There was just one gallery guide tucked among the TV guides. Looking back now, I'm convinced it arrived here by accident. An accident with my name on it. This happened in 2001 and by 2002, after much research and many art packets later, I got into the Blue Heron Gallery. If I hadn't picked up that booklet, would I be there? Most likely not.

Don't avoid taking chances that can spin you around. Surprises await. New beginnings await. Most times its just a matter of taking that initial step. Picking up that booklet...

So Wednesday while waiting for my son to arrive at the airport, I stumbled across a whole stand of booklets. Yes, they are there for tourist. Well a few jumped out at me and I must say I didn't hesitate as long as I had years ago in the grocery store. One was of Blue Hill, Maine. I've never been and knew nothing about it. I may have heard the name, but one town or another, if you don't know it can mean nothing.

I quickly learned its the jutting chunk of land just south of Acadia where the popular picturesque Bar Harbor sits. Its a wonderful area, so why wouldn't the area south be as pretty? I don't suppose it wouldn't. Photos of lupines run through out the booklet. Next thing I know, I'm all over the internet looking for lodging during lupine season...

Wouldn't it be splendid to go paint the lovely purple spikes with the ocean in the background? Whole houses are for rent by the week for the price of a few nights in an inn. (Ha ha, just like in Ireland!) My first thought of going for a few nights quickly turned into wanting to go paint for the week! My second thought is do I want to invite other artists to come join me? You can get houses with various number of bedrooms...

Well I'm not sure how this will play out at the moment. But I can tell you I wouldn't even be considering this if I hadn't first picked up that booklet. Now I'm tingling with excitement at the thought of going on a painting holiday.

I hope you keep yourself open to new possibilities. Half the fun is never knowing what's waiting around the corner. Just as color can give you surprises on the canvas, a slight change in direction can place surprises in your life. Go surprise yourself!


  1. I love this post! the serendipity, of life, and just trusting that the universe is conspiring in our favor if we just stay open to the possibilities!

  2. That was an enjoyable read Susan. Sometimes things in life just seem to fall into place like that.

  3. Aventure, tu nous saisis... j'aime cette idée.
    J'ai vécu une belle aventure, très simple, en prenant la décision un jour de participer à un stage de travail de la terre, en pleine nature, en acceptant de vivre avec d'autres personnes dans des conditions ultra simples... Ce fut une expérience enrichissante et inoubliable...
    Ne serais-tu pas ma jumelle?? Bisous

  4. Susan thank you for the kind remarks on my blog - Do you know Jim from the gallery? He is a good friend in my artist twitter list! : ) Beautiful work, stay in touch and I love the delphiniums...

  5. Oh you MUST have a lupine painting holiday! I go to Nova Scotia in June and I put up with the blackflies just to see the lupine.
    The remedy is to use bug spray in your hair because they burrow and you won't know they're there until they bite. This goes for eyebrows too. Also, carry a spray Benadryl in case you get a bite if you immediately apply some on the bite, most of the damage will be alleviated.
    Last but not least, your work is lovely.

  6. Thanks Susan for your comment at my should go on that painting holiday. Those lupine would look so beautiful on canvas.


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