The snow is falling. Quietly falling.
I awoke to six inches of new snow and it continues to dance down in large beautiful flakes. It clings to everything, every branch, every object. I love the interesting shapes it creates, transforming shrubs and evergreens into magnificent works of art! My garden bench is always a particular favorite. With every snow fall and partial melting in between, it becomes an evolving work of art. The snow shapes left behind and the new snow added collects on the rails and slats in new and interesting patterns each time. I could stare out the window all day...
Black-capped chickadees take turns at the bird-feeders. The green gazebo shaped one is their favorite. I love the way the snow cones up high on its roof. In and out they go. The tufted titmouse joins in their feasting. Aside from the continuous falling snow, theirs is the only movement.
A day of calm and serenity awaits. My spirit rests. After the recent difficult news our family has received, a day of rest is is needed and welcomed. I'll start a fire in the wood stove. The warm heat will add to the day's peacefulness, relaxing the body to its core.
I will paint.
My "children at the beach" series needs my attention. They sit dry, calling to be added to. Dripping new layers of paint will be healing. I chuckle at the contrast with the day. Pure white snow and cold temperatures versus oceans of color on a warm beach day. Its exactly what my spirit needs. Don't you just love dates with your easel? In the calmness, I'll let my creativity soar.
Pictured is Marching, a finished painting in this series. I have many to go to be ready with inventory for my galleries this year. I think painting is the best job someone could have. Today is a holiday, but I choose to go work on my day off...
I wish you moments to let your spirit soar, no matter how heavy life may feel. Those precious days of calm and peacefulness are a gift to be embraced. Go embrace yours with whatever makes you feel good!
Beautiful painting. My mother always loved paintings of children at the beach and would love your series, I'm sure. I think I will go and hug my son.
ReplyDeleteJe suis persuadée que tu auras trouvé la paix, la sérénité et la force intérieure pour faire place à ta créativité. Une trève dans ta vie. Je pense que ce n'est peut-être pas tout à fait innocent ce besoin que tu as eu de faire cette série d'enfants...
ReplyDeleteTu parles si bien de la pureté de cette nouvelle neige qui tombe en cette journée chez toi. Je pense qu'elle est un mouchoir qui est venu essuyer les larmes qui coulent en toi... Peins, peins...