Friday, January 1, 2010


The blank canvas. The big white blank canvas stands before us. Endless possibilities. Hope is in our hearts. Hope for change. Hope for improvement.

What will you do?

Its your canvas. You're in charge. You're the definer of much that will be painted on it. What color will you start with? Will you be timid and begin with a soft pastel or will you be bold and make yourself known with vibrant red? Its your life and I hope your living it. We only get one.

Forget the typical, I'll lose weight. I'll exercise more. Yes of course they're good and healthy, but think bigger. Dream. Really dream! Then set yourself on a path towards it. You don't have to be afraid of doing it alone. We can march on together. Your giant internet support group awaits you!

Have you taken steps to meet a stranger yet? Its a great place to start. Everyone has so much to share. Meet someone new and your mind will suddenly be exposed to new possibilities. Share your ideas and in conversation, a different point of view will add to it, encourage it, inspire it. Suddenly you'll feel the power to try, the power to act on it, emerge and grow. You can make things happen. You can reach out. You can be proud of who you are. You can stand tall and march on with enthusiasm! Dare to imagine and then go do it!

Grab that paintbrush. You know, the biggest one you have and go dip it in red!


  1. Hi Susan! Happy New Year! I love the inspirational post! And I choose red!!


  2. Hi Susan,

    I was excited to receive your e-mail. I have had an exciting year, as far as the internet is concerned. Your questions about whether it's worth it to have both a blog and a website are valid ones, certainly. I have found it works for me to have both. My website is comprehensive and includes information about me and how I go about my work. Because it is my name, it is easy to remember for those who know me and looks professional on a brochure and business card. As for the blog, search engines seem to find it more easily than my main site. But I tend to think the more exposure you can get via the web, the better. It has certainly been the case for me this past year. Through blogspot, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other sites I am a member of, I have received steady commissioned work in a very depressed economy. I try to keep my sites current, and just this past month set up a Facebook Fan Page. For the past month I did not promote the Fan Page, I just wanted to see what would happen. Not much did... I went through the month of December with ten fans, mostly my family. But just yesterday I decided to suggest that all my FB friends become fans, and at last check I have 110 fans. This is in a 24 hour period... and it shows me the power of a medium like Facebook. I think the web is a vast untapped resource for most artists. I am fortunate to have a background in both graphic and web design, so it is not such foreign territory to me as it may be to some artists. Thanks for the thought provoking questions. I am looking forward to reading through your blog and checking out more of your inspiration.

    Happy 2010!
    Christi Bunn


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